Saturday, March 7, 2009

Strindberg, anyone?

I am writing a paper on Strindberg right now and just wondered if anyone has looked at his work and what your thoughts are on it. Particularly, "The Stronger," "Miss Julie," "The Ghost Sonata," and "The Road to Damascus." It's interesting because he has a heavy Biblical overtone to his writing, but a lot of the philosophy seems rather Buddhist. Also, his plays can be taken and performed with a strong Feminist bent, and my prof said Strindberg himself would have been horrified at this interpretation.


  1. I've actually never even heard of Strindberg. Where and when is he from? Are those poems or stories?

  2. August Strindberg, 1849-1912, was a Swedish writer and playwright known for naturalism and symbolism, and these are plays. We're reading him in my drama class now.
